Thursday, March 17, 2005


I've reached an absolute low toy wise.


No not THAT kind of toy you sick bastards, technical-play-thing-toys. As any normal music addict the thought of an MP3 player with between 4 to 20 GB is almost erotic to me. All the music I have ever loved in one little thing that I can carry with me everywhere I go... screw sex, gimme an I-pod!

Unfortunately money is a little tight right now so getting one of these thingies has been on the backseat for a moment which was fine really. That is, as long as people I know didn't have one and parade around with one.

Enter my mom.

That's right, my mom. The woman who many times told me that, and I quote, she finds my dad's computer "scary" sometimes, got an I-pod. Sure my dad bought it for her but that doesn't change anything. She. has. an. I-pod. before. I. have. one.

Of course I'm allowed to play with it so I walked around the house listening to Zucchero songs I uploaded for her (the "scary" computer is also the one she needs to upload stuff to her Ipod, see, SEE! I am a fairly ok son). So far the sound quality isn't that great, the computer programme you need to upload the songs only works on Windows XP which I don't have at home and most importantly her Ipod is pink.

God I want it.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ipods are waaaayyyyyyy too expensive. What is wrong with good old cd-players? Sigh, sometimes I feel too old for my own good....