Saturday, September 24, 2005

Better run through the jungle

Oh god.

In about 84 hours I will be on a plane. This in itself doesn't scare me too much. I never liked planes, but most of the time I'm fine. And yes, I currently am in complete denial that I will be in this particular plane for 10 hours, thank you for asking. The problem is where the plane will be going. Or, better said in post 9/11 lingo, where the plane is scheduled to go.

Kenya.... oh dear god.

I'm not quite at the point yet where I start questioning the entire trip, but I am in complete awe of the event that is quickly approaching. Kenya. What was I thinking? Aside from the fact that I'll be running behind on papers, classes, and reading assignments, there's a part of me that is in extreme doubt whether I should be traveling to Africa. "Honestly", it tells me, "don't you think there's a reason our relatives left that place thousands and thousands of years ago?".

As said before (see below), I have my shots, and my malaria medication, so in that department I should be fine. Or, in post reading-the-different-articles-on-disseases-you-can-get-in-Africa lingo, I'm scheduled to be fine. That is if I don't touch anybody's blood or sperm. Neither of which I'm planning on.But for some reason the weird people at the travel clinic didn't give me drugs or pills to keep away the monkeys. Or the lions. Or the spiders. Or snakes (oh lord, I had forgotten about the snakes). Or the other bugs.

Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god.

Sure, in Amsterdam we have those things too, but in Zoos! Where God intended them to be when he created them! Of course, I'll be spending a lot of time in civilized areas where I suspect the amount of deadly snakes to be, well, at least not huge. But monkeys are supposed to be everywhere, and I'm told they carry disseases (which, in a totally off-topic by-thought, could explain how Michael Jackson is these days... damn you Bubbles!), so I should not get in a fight with one of them.

But it is also scheduled that we will go into the bush to visit the orphanage/school that is the entire reason of our visit. I suggested importing the girls that visit the school to the hotel and just stay in our rooms for the entire trip, but for some reason I was outvoted.Anyhoo, I don't know if there will be internet in Kenya (there should be, I hear they even have phones in Friesland these days), I might not be back untill october. And if I haven't posted something about annoying blondes or stupid tv shows by november.... well... blame Bubbles.

Oh and in case I do die; my cd's and books go to the Squirrel, if only for the fact that he can never store them in his boat appartment, my Zucchero cd's go to my friend Merel together with the duty to listen to them every day (and I'll ghostly check that!), and, damnit, I want male strippers singing "Kamachameleon" at my funeral. That's about it really....

Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god.

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