3 PM: Jump into bed. With jump I mean stumble. With stumble I mean drag. With drag I do not mean the other meaning of ‘drag’.
4 PM: Bored. Start watching the first season of the American version of Queer as Folk
4:05 PM: Decide that, despite better judgment, I like the American version of Queer as Folk.
4:50 PM: Finally recognize the woman playing Michael’s mother. Nice to know at least one person still has a career after Cagney & Lacey. Wonder if Cagney & Lacey is out on DVD yet. Wonder how I can avoid it if it is.
5:10 PM: Text my friend Merel (not the Merely one, she’s in the UK watching 21 Jump Street 24/7) to tell her that I won’t be coming over for dinner. She texts back that she hopes I’m doing better soon since it’s no weather to be sick.
5:25 PM: Decide I like how Showtime can show naked people and not have Oprah or George Bush complain about it.
6:30 PM: Stop to watch the news. Want to physically attack former politician for talking complete rubbish. Consider this a good sign of recovery.
7:40 PM: Starting to get really good at the self invented game “Find the lines the writers of US QAF stole from Russel T Davies, the writer of UK QAF”. Wonder if English QAF would have been interesting for 22 episodes. Realize nobody cares but me.
11 PM: Turn off TV.
7 AM: Wake up. Therefore start watching the rest of the Queer as Folk season. Ah well, made sense in my head.
11 AM: Finished QAF. Hate the ending. Officially want to hurt the guy playing the guy with the baseball bat (confused? Me no care… notice how flu makes me so friendly). Probably can’t listen to “Save the last dance for me” again… bastards.
1 PM: Text the Squirrel to tell him I have to cancel movie night. He texts back that he hopes I’ll be doing better soon since it’s no weather to be sick. Wonder if my friends secretly communicate with each other.
2 PM: Start watching Brokeback Mountain on my computer.
2.30 PM: Wonder if the sex scense would have been more attractive if they hadn’t been directed by the man who previously made the Hulk but by the Queer as Folk guys.
2.50 PM: Deeply confused. I was convinced that everybody in the world had agreed that a) Dawsons Creek actually sucked and b) all the actors involved should remain off screen. Katie Holmes was bad enough, do we need to keep Michelle Williams in business?
3 PM: Want to hit Michelle Williams. Also consider this a sign of recovery.
3:20 PM: I don’t like Jake Gyllenhaal’s father in law. Also, start wondering if, just like the sheep, Heath Ledger’s accent is also computer generated. Would explain a lot.
3:50 PM: *#$%^@&*^#%@^&*!^@^!&^@!!!!!!!!!!!
4 PM: Just fucking great. Wonder if I should pull out my DVD of Beautiful Thing, but figured I’ve seen enough gay drama. Decide to watch Oprah instead. Realize this is probably a contradictio in terminis.
4:10 PM: Text message from my mom. Hopes I’m doing ok, especially considering the weather. Am now convinced all my friends and close relatives spent their free time calling eachother.
actually, i am doing revison and panicking 24/7, I'll have you know. Am only watching '21 jump street' as relaxation now, not research, teehee.
Sorry you are ill, hope you feel better soon even tho it is perfect weather to be ill if you lived in england, rain galore!!
I feel your pain, officially I should be working on a paper on the constitution of the US but as you can see I spent the weekend watching QAF. Ah well.
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