Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I realize this blog is - for all practical purposes - dead, but I would like to do a little experiment. See, according to this website thing:

Online thingie

my blog has a PG rating, meaning that kids should read this only when their parents (both, or, if that can't be arranged, I suppose one will do) are present. The reason for this is the following:

"This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
death (2) and dead (1)"

I am shocked! In the past years I have been writing about Satanic worshiping, Republicans, annoying blonde women who should die and (most hidiously) Michael Bolton, and all I got was PG? Fuck!

1 comment:

Queen Mushroom said...

hey, i'm sure you'll be upgraded now you have that 'fuck' in there!