Saturday, November 19, 2005


Ayaan Hirsi Ali will be making a new movie soon.

If you are not Dutch, you may not know who the hell Ayaan Hirsi Ali is. And, trust me you'd be very fortunate in that. You may also not know what's so bad (and trust me, it is) about her making movies. Fear not, I shall explain.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Dutch MP for the Conservative Free Market Party Of Complete Idiots (but for some reason they call themselves the VVD) and she is originally from Somalia. She is also a former Muslim who got abused by the men in her surroundings. But then she came to the Netherlands and eventually became an influential member of parliament.

Happy end?

Not quite. As a member of parliament she spends most of her time defending Muslim women who get abused by their husbands or fathers. This, obviously, is a very noble issue to spend time on, and I believe even most Muslim men and women would agree with me on that. The problem lies in the way she does that. Basically, her campaign exists of her being an idiot. For instance, one of her ways of making bad Muslim men stop beating up their wifes is calling uber-Muslim Mohammed a pedophile.

Yeah. Whether or not he actually was one is an interesting question, but somehow I have a feeling that saying it isn't going to make a lot of muslim women feel safer. So, she's an idiot. She is also an idiot that gets a lot of death threats though, and that's what makes her a difficult person for people like me; on the one hand we dislike her because she's an idiot (I think 'idiot' is going to be the theme word of this post.... continue). However, on the other hand, we do feel she has the right to ventilate her idiotness by saying idiotic things without being threatened or killed by even bigger idiots (see, told you so).

Last summer the Hirsi Ali - Muslim men row reached its high point when she released a movie called Submission. In it, a young Muslim woman in a see-through Burqa (honest to god, not making this up) talked about being abused by her husband, while images were being shown of other scarred Muslim women with parts of the Quran painted on their bodies.

This in itself bores me more than it shocks me (naked women... again. Next!), but apparently to Muslims (which I accidentely am not, I know, shocking) it was a big deal. Baiscally all Muslims, including, ironically enough, Muslim women that had previously been abused by their husbands, hated the thing. Some hated it more than others. And one of them killed the director of the movie (Theo van Gogh) last year on the streets of Amsterdam in broad daylight.

Now, ms. Hirsi Ali is going to make another movie. It's going to be called Submission 2 (it's a sequal you see, much like Beethovens 2nd was a sequal to Beethoven) but this time it's going to be about.... the Islam and gay men.


Now, again. This is a very important issue, and attention should be given to it (in the past few weeks, for instance, several men have been executed in Iran just for being gay). But I'm not so sure anything good's going to come out of her paying attention to it. For some reason, I can't get the image of a Usama Bin Laden sitting in a cave thinking "Oh, yes! We forgot about the gays! Lets bash them!" out of my head.

So, in the open letter category;

Dear Ayaan Hirsi Ali,

I have no idea if I'm speaking for my entire people, but as for me; could you not do your new flick about gay issues? I know, I know, we're fun to work with, and we have the latest gossip, but unlike with you, the Dutch government isn't going to pay for my bodyguards.

Here's my suggestion; what about a movie about how some Muslims are mean to pets. Hmmm? Sounds good? You could have sheep in there with Quran things painted on them! Or cats! No, wait, I have a cat. What about birds? Or mice? Nobody likes mice! Would be fine if Islamoidiots would blow them up. Try that!



Beckers said...

BORIS! I re-did my site, and i made it all by myself! lol. i finally got some creativity and worked at it and yay! we have a finished product!

time to critique! (dont read the blog, its awful...i need to start again!)

spirito said...

Yeeeey! Your blog's ALIVE (I'd make such a great Dr. Frankenstein). I like the way it looks, and I like you finally writing on it again! Continue! :)