Sunday, December 25, 2005

2005 - a blog post

I know this blog is generally used for long posts in which I ponder those aspects of life I do not understand and discuss the various reasons why the world in general and my life in particular would be better if everybody would just follow my line of thinking instead of their own (or as some people call it, completely missing the subtle beauty of my art, nagging), but for this post I would like to make an exception and pay tribute to the year that was 2005.

You see, 2005 was probably the best year of my life. It's not that all the previous years were miserable, but they just were missing a certain, oh I dunno, kick. Yes, a cocaine addiction can really add so much to your year.

(I joke, obviously...... sniiiiiiff).

However, I must say this past year has been awfully nice. First of all, I met a lot of very nice people, some I link with in so many ways it's scary. Others, not so much but we still get along. Either way, it fascinates me and it really makes me quite happy. Which is always a good thing. Second, I was able to not alienate most of the people I like in general, while ignoring those I like less so. Both of which is also a good thing.

Second, I was able to do quite a lot of travelling. Italy, this summer, bringing together some of my favorite people in the world (excluding Orlando Bloom and Orlando Bloom lookalikes, sadly). The UK with my bestest friend Merel, where we basically just watched TV and commented on slutty English girls (quite fun, try it). And, most recently, Kenya, which really was a huge eye opener in so many ways.

Career wise things are fine too. History is still the best motherfucking study in the world (to paraphrase Leopold von Ranke) and I'm still pretty darn good at it, which is why I'm doing the research master now (banging yourself on the chest and shouting I RULE! is mandatory warm up to our classes these days).

But none of that makes 2005 unique, and there were certainly some downsides to the year that need to be considered. Most of all my granddad passed away which I still believe should have been made illegal and, yes, we are still considering suing God. Second, there were the occasional "fuck it" moments (one of these moments lasted for the entire month of June) and Bruce Springsteen songs were played quite loudly to fight those moments. But surprisingly enough that didn't really influence the way I look at the year. Shit just happens and it's useless to complain about it; you can make a trauma out of everything if you want.

Overall I'm just really happy (aside from the fact that I still have no official plans for New Years Eve that is) with how things are going lately. So, ehm, goodie!

(too bad this post isn't funny though)


Iulia and Radu said...

It is too late now to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS but it is not too late to wish you a Wonderful 2006 :))Success with you MA!

Iulia and Radu said...

..please ignore the 'you MA':) ..just a typing mistake:)Take care!

spirito said...

Happy New Year to you too and thank you!