Monday, December 19, 2005

My virtual Christmas card

I always tell myself that next year I will do the adult thing and sent actual Christmas cards. But then I forget until it is too late, or I just can't be bothered. Thankfully, there's a virtual solution. Last year my hilarious-virtual-Christmas-card had a Jerry Springer theme ("Ho! Ho! Ho!.... you're a ho yourself, bitch!"). This year, my hilarious-virtual-Christmas-card is going 'War on Christmas':

to my Christian friends:

Merry Christmas!

to my Jewish friends:

Merry Chanukkah!

to my fellow athiests:

Merry Non-Religious Gift Opening And Eating Dead Animals Ceremony !

and to Bill O'Reilly

Fuck You!

and to everybody in general: happy 2006!


Queen Mushroom said...

I feel left out.... I won't be opening presents nor eating dead animals on christmas..... but am neither christian nor jewish... wehhhhh.......

spirito said...

Ok, ok:

for Merel

Merry Melted Cheese Trying Not To Get Into An Argument With Your Family Eating Celebration!

Queen Mushroom said...

awwwww.... thank you sweetie, you too!!!!

Cybbis said...

Even more inportant than to know how to say "Merry Christamas (or equivalent)" in other languages is to know how to say "Oh my God! There's an axe in my head!" in the language of the country you're residing in. Because eventually during Christmas somebody is going to get that axe in their head. And to start learning, check out

spirito said...

it's hebrew, anything goes (google it if ye doubt the claim)

spirito said...

and don't tell me I have to explain the freaking joke to you