Saturday, August 19, 2006

I know

It's been 15 days since my last blog post, but honestly some people can be such drama queens.

(I'm intrigued though, who is that guy, what Boris is he looking for, why the plastic bag? And no, I don't look for videos with my name in it on YouTube, my favorite Finn Cybbis alerted me)


(then again, why he is looking on YouTube for videos with "boris" in it is beyond me)


Queen Mushroom said...

It must be true love (but I don't know if it's coming from the bag guy or Cybbis)

spirito said...

Cybbis and I decided long ago that crossing our genes would create very very socially uptight children, so we decided to rest it there (also he's straight).

the other guy though... I dunno...

Cybbis said...

Gotta keep tabs on your peeps in case they would hit sudden YouTube fame so I could go around the town yelling "Did you see that Boris' video on YouTube? I know him personally!".
Alas, this hasn't happened. Needless to say but I feel a bit disappointed in you people.

spirito said...

You are so right. I feel I let you down.

Queen Mushroom said...

Hmmm, Im not sure I want to be on YouTube but I will do my best for you.