Monday, May 23, 2005

In dreams I walk with you

My dreams are driving me absolutely crazy.

I'm not talking about life-dreams or unrealistic carreer goals like wanting to be a famous rock singer... or an actor... or a writer... or a cleaning lady. I'm talking about actual lying-in-bed-and-having-weird-movies-played-in-your-brain-while-you're-officially-sleeping-dreams (which I should add is a term I have now copyrighted).

The problem is that for years I never had any dreams at all. I know that officially they were there and that I just didn't remember them. But let's face it, if you forget about stuff like that, it just wasn't there. So, consequently, night time was a time in which I could just sleep like a log. It may have been boring but it seemed like a concept everybody was happy with.

Sure, once in a while I would have a dream or two that I did remember the next day. Most of those dreams, however, were so boring that it really didn't matter whether I remembered them or not. The only downside of those dreams was that they would confuse me once I woke up. One time I had a dream about e-mailing someone. Yeah, I know, rock n roll. It wasn't even something kinky, like congratulating that years GayVNAward winners or something, just a normal reply to an actual existing friend. It confused me because after I had that dream I spent two days wondering if I emailed her in real life or if it was a dream (this was still when hotmail didn't show if you already replied, you know, way back when, right before colour tv got introduced).

And then suddenly something changed. Now all of a sudden my brain, soul, or god-knows-who-or-what-controls-dreams, has decided that my dreams are to be active and extremely exhausting. Maybe the little people that control my brain were tired of the same old sending-an-email movie and demanded more exciting features for movie-night, maybe I'm just slowly losing my mind, but since a couple of months I have the weirdest dreams.

Most of the time I can't quite remember every single detail but I just wake up in the morning more tired then when I went to sleep and feel extremely confused. Sometimes I remember the outlines of the story. A couple of weeks ago (as previously mentioned in "I'm a man", see below) I had a dream about bread (French baguettes to be precise) which also featured my mother. I don't really care for bread at all so why I had a dream about it, heaven may know. That same night I also had a dream (as also mentioned in "I'm a man") about some kind of wild water animal chasing me (shark, crocodile, goldfish, same difference). Which is also weird because I'm not much of a swimmer so the odds of me ending up in a fight with a shark is.... well.... a little low.

Last night I had a completely insane dream again. This time it had something to do with a non-existing museum in a non-existing Italian town. I don't know how I know it was Italy, because nobody spoke Italian, but I just did. I was there with one of my best friends (who for some reason had taken his shoes off) and we were seperated from two other people who we were trying to find. Then out of nowhere I ended up in a theatre where something completely insane was happening on stage and I felt like my ears were about to explode from huge pressure building up in them... and then I woke up, tired, confused, and with aching ears (but that's normal).

Sooo, if anyone can either (1) explain how I can turn the movies off or (2) change the dreams to something more entertaining for me (say.... oh, I don't know... male strippers singing Chamachameleon? or something involving earlier named GayVNawards winners?) I'll be forever grateful.


Anonymous said...

hi borrie,
I dreamt about zombies the night before last. It was a horrible dream and I woke up terribly scared. I was so scared I was afraid to go to sleep yesterday in case I might have a similar dream again. I am dreaming a lot about zombies lately, and I really do not like it. But to come back to your question: I have no clue how to change your dreams. I have tried many times (zombies are really not my favourite dream material: in my most recent zombie dream the zombies were really clever and snuck into a house where the parents were having a party and killed all their children who were upstairs. When the parents found their children the dad was crying and tried to hug his dead children, but of course they had changed into zombies as well and the little girl said, as she went to bite her fathers neck (i know, that's what vampires are supposed to do): "let's have a bite, then...." It may sound funny but was very scary in my dream), but I have found it is impossible to change what you dream. And, being an expert in weird dreams (the zombies are all for some reason in a black southern american town in the fifties, but without the racism), I know you just have to learn to live with it. At least you're not dreaming about the undead.

Anonymous said...

yey, did i just write the longest comment ever?

spirito said...

oh SURE, steal my thunder! actually I do remember you always having really weeeeiiird dreams (you once told a really confusing one about Elvis) but this is even weird for you. I remember Jari once was into some thing where you could train yourself to change your dreams... JAAARIIII!!!!

spirito said...

yeah, give the little dwarves in my head some ideas "oooooh, he finds being chased by non-friendly looking men in the Leidsedwarstraat scary..... aaaand action!".

yeah, see ya tonight.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have wonderful news: I did not have any weird dreams last night, and cannot remember actually having any normal dreams either. YAY!! And, as I watched the new Star Wars last night, we have to conclude this was the reason. My advice: watch a good and eventful film before you go to bed, and weird dreams will NOT ensue. (should I actually change my name to Martha?)

spirito said...

I didn't have any dreams monday/tuesday night but last night I did have a weird one, only I can't remember it. I actually DID watch a movie on sunday when I had the weird dream mentioned in the post and it was a pretty darn good one (About Schmidt).

Soooo, either 1) your idea doesn't work for me or 2) it only works when I pick the movie myself (The Squirrel brought About Schmidt along)....

or 3) it doesn't work with Jack Nicholson movies....

Anonymous said...

Basically only thing you have to do is to tell yourself during the day that "Next night I want to dream about Michael Jackson" and believe in what you're telling yourself. Also try imagining the dream beforehand. Like think of MJ all the time.

For controlling your dream totally, try finding a book by Stephen LaBerge & Howard Rheingold called "Exploring the world of lucid dreaming" or "Lucid Dreaming" by the same guy (LaBerge)

Anonymous said...

But give it time, it may take up to a week or two before it works.

spirito said...

Jari, wouldn't dreaming about Michael Jackson make the problem BIGGER? I'll give it a shot though

*new zucchero album new zucchero album new zucchero album new zucchero album*

Anonymous said...

Jari, you forgot to mention that to make any progress in the lucid dreaming you have to have a fairly predictable sleeping pattern when first practicing. I've only managed to "sort of" have 2 lucid dreams since "sleeping regularly" seems to me to be an oxymoron.

spirito said...

since when do you sleep at all???
